About Me
Hi there,
I'm Julia. I’m from a little bit of everywhere, but I currently call New York City my home. Food, travel, photography, and advertising are just a few things I love.
I know it’s cliche or might seem a bit… predictable, but when I say I love advertising and marketing, I really mean it. During my off hours, I’m constantly examining other ads and thinking through ways to improve marketing strategies. I enjoy managing a team, mentoring, and helping my team grow.
This might sound strange to some, but I get literal goosebumps when I have a strong marketing strategy in place, one tactical bounces off of another, and we use strong creatives to complement the strategy. When the stars align in your marketing strategy, oh, that’s when I see fireworks.
I got so hungry to learn more about marketing and expand my knowledge, I decided to go back to get my Master’s specifically in Marketing. I lose a bit of my personal life trying to balance school work and work work, but I can feel my mind growing each day, so I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Thanks for listening and stopping by!
- Julia
P.S. winter is my favorite season.