Posts tagged Blog
I dare you to take a leap of faith

I dare you to take courage and a leap of faith even if you're all alone. If it's something (or someone) you believe in, then I challenge you to at least try to see where life takes you.

So often do people tell me stories how they regret not trying. Whether it's not trying to explore a new city because they were uncomfortable about the cultural barriers they might encounter, not trying new cuisines, not trying to attend that concert because their friends wouldn't go with them, not trying to make a relationship work, the list goes on. 

It’s normal for us to stop ourselves from doing something because we’re afraid, after all, we are human, right? No.

Here's my challenge: I challenge you to take a leap and start living your life by chasing after your dreams, even if it means you have to make a few sacrifices.

If you can attend that dream college of yours despite it being across/in another country, go for it. If you received an amazing job offer and it's a job you fell in love with but it means relocating and moving away from your friends, go and take that chance; don't worry, you'll eventually make new friends. If you want to take a chance on a relationship but you're scared because you've been hurt before, don't let that past experience hold you back. 

Don't ever let past experiences hold you back but use it to strengthen you.

It's life, so hardships and heartaches will come and go, since we're forever stuck on this crazy rollercoaster of a life. But wouldn't you rather give something a shot and learn from those experiences than sit there in regret wondering, "what if?"  

Have courage. Have heart. Don’t let fear hinder you.

October Pt. 2

It's finally starting to feel like my favorite weather! Hello, Autumn. 

Whenever I go on these mini photoshoots, I like to return the favor to the friend who's taking my photo by taking a few photos of him/her. During this photo op, the friend I was with asked me what I would do and who I would be if I didn't have my camera. My response?

"I wouldn't be me." 

Being able to view the world through my lens and capturing moments is one of my favorite activities and something I've always cherished doing. When I was a kid, I loved going through old photo albums and watching old home videos. It would puzzle me that I couldn't recall some of the events that were captured on film even though I was in the frame.

The way our brain works and the way we're able to retain (or forget) things is so complicatedly interesting.

Once I got my hands on my first camera, I couldn't stop taking photos, not only because it was "cool" to take awkward mirror selfies with your BFF and post them on Myspace afterwards, but also because I couldn't trust my brain to remember everything. I wanted to capture these moments to look back to. 

I always joke with my friends that my camera is an extended part of my body.

I know I'm not a professional photographer and I don't know every single thing about photography, but this is just a hobby of mine I enjoy and helps me hit pause in life to appreciate my surroundings. 


I can't believe how quickly time is passing and we're already at the end of March. Clock keeps ticking, time keeps running, and here I am trying to make sure I don't waste a second of it. I think it's safe to say that it's been a busy and productive year so far as I work to figure things out.

I am trying to post more frequently, this is one item I'm trying prioritize. Make sure you continue to stop by for more, I'm working on some fun new content. 

Thanks for stopping by! 


Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016!

2015. What an amazing, incredible, and a year full of many blessings. From being employed, graduation, jumping out of my comfort zone, and making new friends and seeing old ones, 2015 has been a year full of countless blessings and I can't express how thankful I've been. Here's a quick recap of my year (click on the photos to see captions): 

2016. I'm still in the process of writing down my New Years resolution. I'm a little apprehensive and nervous of what's to come, but I'm also excited for all the challenges and (hopefully even more) blessings. All I know is that 2016 is going to be an adventure and I plan on taking this year to grow professionally, learn to love myself more, become more humble and selfless, and... like I said, I'm still in the process of writing this all down. 

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! Here's a silly photo of my teenage brother and me being my goofy self welcoming the New Year.

Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016!